by Pauline Willis on

We will know when we have addressed diversity in the workplace, because we won’t be talking about it anymore. It will be ‘business as usual’ to work in a team where everyone is treated with respect.Where we all appreciate colleagues for who they are without having to make a special effort to make it happen.

Or, require government monitoring to ensure that organisations are in compliance with quotas. We will instead be focusing on what it is that each person contributes & celebrating the value they have added to our work.

The Importance of Diversity in Teams

Attributes such as gender, sexuality, culture, personality & cognitive style are increasingly recognised as the key ingredients which combine to make each of us interesting and most of all, valued as unique human beings. When these factors are combined effectively in teams, we have the potential to embrace our differences and do wonderful things together.

This is also why my heart both sings and sinks during celebrations like international women’s day on March 8th. The fact that we have a special day to celebrate what has been achieved is important. Yet it is also stark testimony that we still have a very long way to go before the myriad of human diversity is woven effectively into the tapestry of team success.

Building on Foundations of Social Change

So, what can we do through our teams to build on these hard won foundations of social change whilst also delivering the bottom line successes that are key to investors and shareholders. How can embracing diversity become ‘business as usual’?

The Role of High-Performing Teams in Embracing Diversity

Research informs us that it is through direct human engagement, that people learn to value and embrace diversity. So, it is through our high performing & critical teams that immediacy of social context can enable us to overcome the toxic stereotypes at the root of social injustice as well as laying the foundation for business success.

With a little energy and focus on the right things, the changes we need to embed in organisations can materialise quite quickly. This is where the 6 conditions framework for team effectiveness offers a blueprint for change with the Team Diagnostic Survey (TDS) providing the metrics for benchmarking, team feedback & evaluation.

Certification for the 6 Conditions Framework

Certification to use the 6 Conditions framework is available for team leaders as well as business consultants and HR partners. If you are ready to harness team success for your cause or organisation we have online, face-to-face workshops and tailored one-to-one learning to suit your need.